narrow - definition. What is narrow
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ترجمة وتحليل الكلمات عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي ChatGPT

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  • كيف يتم استخدام الكلمة في اللغة
  • تردد الكلمة
  • ما إذا كانت الكلمة تستخدم في كثير من الأحيان في اللغة المنطوقة أو المكتوبة
  • خيارات الترجمة إلى الروسية أو الإسبانية، على التوالي
  • أمثلة على استخدام الكلمة (عدة عبارات مع الترجمة)
  • أصل الكلمة

%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Narrow (disambiguation)

·superl Parsimonious; niggardly; covetous; selfish.
II. Narrow ·superl Of little extent; very limited; circumscribed.
III. Narrow ·superl Scrutinizing in detail; close; accurate; exact.
IV. Narrow ·superl Limited as to means; straitened; pinching; as, narrow circumstances.
V. Narrow ·vt To contract the size of, as a stocking, by taking two stitches into one.
VI. Narrow ·vi Not to step out enough to the one hand or the other; as, a horse narrows.
VII. Narrow ·superl Contracted; of limited scope; illiberal; bigoted; as, a narrow mind; narrow views.
VIII. Narrow ·vi To contract the size of a stocking or other knit article, by taking two stitches into one.
IX. Narrow ·vi To become less broad; to Contract; to become narrower; as, the sea narrows into a strait.
X. Narrow ·vt To lessen the breadth of; to Contract; to draw into a smaller compass; to reduce the width or extent of.
XI. Narrow ·superl Of little breadth; not wide or broad; having little distance from side to side; as, a narrow board; a narrow street; a narrow hem.
XII. Narrow ·noun A narrow passage; ·esp., a contracted part of a stream, lake, or sea; a strait connecting two bodies of water;
- usually in the plural; as, The Narrows of New York harbor.
XIII. Narrow ·superl Having but a little margin; having barely sufficient space, time, or number, ·etc.; close; near;
- with special reference to some peril or misfortune; as, a narrow shot; a narrow escape; a narrow majority.
XIV. Narrow ·vt To contract the reach or sphere of; to make less liberal or more selfish; to Limit; to Confine; to Restrict; as, to narrow one's views or knowledge; to narrow a question in discussion.
XV. Narrow ·superl Formed (as a vowel) by a close position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate; or (according to Bell) by a tense condition of the pharynx;
- distinguished from wide; as e (eve) and / (f/d), ·etc., from i (ill) and / (f/t), ·etc. ·see Guide to Pronunciation, / 13.
I. a.
Of little breadth.
Contracted, circumscribed, limited, confined, straitened, cramped, pinched, scanty, incapacious.
Limited, straitened, pinched, scanty.
Ungenerous, parsimonious, covetous, mercenary, illiberal, avaricious, niggardly, mean, selfish.
Close, near.
Close, near, accurate, scrutinizing, careful, exact, attentive.
II. v. a.
Cramp, restrict, limit, confine.
(narrower, narrowest, narrows, narrowing, narrowed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
Something that is narrow measures a very small distance from one side to the other, especially compared to its length or height.
...through the town's narrow streets...
She had long, narrow feet.
...the narrow strip of land joining the peninsula to the rest of the island.
? wide
...the narrowness of the river mouth.
N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n
If something narrows, it becomes less wide.
The wide track narrows before crossing another stream.
If your eyes narrow or if you narrow your eyes, you almost close them, for example because you are angry or because you are trying to concentrate on something. (WRITTEN)
Coggins' eyes narrowed angrily. 'You think I'd tell you?'...
He paused and narrowed his eyes in concentration.
? widen
VERB: V, V n
If you describe someone's ideas, attitudes, or beliefs as narrow, you disapprove of them because they are restricted in some way, and often ignore the more important aspects of an argument or situation.
...a narrow and outdated view of family life...
= limited
? broad
ADJ [disapproval]
They're making judgments based on a narrowly focused vision of the world.
ADV: ADV after v, ADV -ed/adj
...the narrowness of their mental and spiritual outlook.
N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n
If something narrows or if you narrow it, its extent or range becomes smaller.
Most recent opinion polls suggest that the gap between the two main parties has narrowed...
Senate negotiators further narrowed their differences over the level of federal spending for anti-drug programs.
? widen
VERB: V, V n
...a narrowing of the gap between rich members and poor.
If you have a narrow victory, you succeed in winning but only by a small amount.
Delegates have voted by a narrow majority in favour of considering electoral reform.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
She narrowly failed to win enough votes...
The narrowness of the government's victory reflected deep division within the Party.
N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n
If you have a narrow escape, something unpleasant nearly happens to you.
Two police officers had a narrow escape when separatists attacked their vehicles.
Five firemen narrowly escaped death when a staircase collapsed beneath their feet.
ADV: ADV with v
on the straight and narrow: see straight



Narrow may refer to:

  • The Narrow, rock band from South Africa
  • Narrow banking, proposed banking system that would eliminate bank runs and the need for a deposit insurance
  • Narrow-gauge railway, a railway that has a track gauge narrower than the 4 ft 8½ in of standard gauge railways
  • Narrow vs wide format, a style of displaying tabular data
  • Narrowboat or narrow boat, a boat of a distinctive design made to fit the narrow canals of Great Britain
  • Narrow (album), a 2012 album by Austrian musical project Soap&Skin
  • "Narrow", a song by Mayday Parade from Black Lines
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Comfort: Very narrow around the toes, foot slips forward, crushing the toes in the narrow opening.
2. NARROW VOTE Some analysts said the narrow vote exposed the new premier‘s limited room for maneuver.
3. Narrow lead: Incomplete results from Sunday showed Calderon with a narrow lead.
4. First you‘re walking on narrow planked walkways built into the scaffolding, then metal mesh flooring, narrow staircases and the occasional wobbly ladder.
5. But Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, who lost the Kadima primary to Livni by a narrow margin, said he would not agree to a narrow coalition.